Could your business have a Chaplain?

For some a chaplain is a friendly face and a listening ear. Another may see the chaplain as someone who will listen to them, not judge or criticise, who is able to keep what is said confidential and may be even suggest somewhere to find help.

When a chaplain starts working with an employer the first priority is getting to know the workforce and the workplace. Thereafter regular visits mean the chaplain will be able get to know individuals better and be available for everyone.
Integration into the workforce is important and we have found that the more a chaplain mixes with the people, the better the service works. We know that there may be individuals who do not wish to engage in conversation with outsiders and we respect that, our service is offered and not imposed at any stage.

In an age of increasing isolation there can be a real sense of loneliness even in a busy working environment. Into this the chaplain injects genuine care and concern, looking out for the welfare of others and extending the hand of friendship.
Chaplains have had a positive impact in Taunton and have been welcomed by employers as making a positive contribution to their operations.  
Regular, normally weekly visits are always planned in consultation with managers and last as long as convenient. We are acutely aware that the function or profitability of the organisation must not be hindered in any way; in fact the added support of a regular visit will contribute to the welfare of the staff, the most valuable asset in any enterprise. There is evidence to suggest that a happy workforce is a productive one.

Each workplace is different and we do try to be flexible when arrangements are first planned. It is important that the staff know that visits happen and the chaplain is easily identifiable and wears a uniform. The distinctive Taunton Team Chaplaincy logo can be used on store uniforms if required. All chaplains carry an ID badge.
There is no cost to the workplace; the service is given as a gift to the community by the Christian churches of Taunton. We aim to avoid gaining any benefit from working with an employer; the Chaplaincy’s focus is on giving.
Workplaces that have the support of a Chaplain are encouraged to monitor the scheme and let us know how it is going. We will strive to make sure that any improvements to arrangements are implemented quickly and satisfactorily.
Maintaining a happy, positive and committed workforce is invaluable for any organisation and the regular visit of a chaplain contributes to that. Results from elsewhere indicate chaplains can:
  • Help people to cope with important personal and social needs at work
  • Reduce stress and anxiety, keeping people healthy and efficient
  • Reduce progression to chronic psychosomatic symptoms and breakdowns
  • Provide care in the workplace unlike any other agency, offering impartial friendship and support
  • Signpost people to other professional agencies if required

If you would like to know more a member of the team would be pleased to visit and explain in more detail our work and, with no pressure or obligation, consider how the Chaplaincy may support your workforce. To arrange a visit see Contact Us.
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